Esophageal Foreign Bodies
In their never ending quest to amaze pet owners and veterinarians, dogs (and sometimes cats) are always demonstrating how many things...
Esophageal Regurgitation Under GA IS REAL!
It's happened to all of us - we're in the middle of a surgery and our technician tells us that the patient is regurgitating. While we...
Intestinal Biopsy II - Case Examples
In my last post I discussed the options available when collecting intestinal biopsy samples. While both flexible endoscopic samples and...
Intestinal Biopsy - the ongoing discussion
When it comes to discussing intestinal biopsies, the same question seems to be asked over and over again: "Do I need full thickness or...
Which Spay is Best?
Recently I have had a number of inquiries from veterinarians (and clients) about the type of laparoscopic spay I perform. In general,...